2.5. R

Se instalo la version 3.5.1 de R en el cluster. Para utilizarl, se debe de cargar el modulo correspondiente:

$ module load programs/R-3.5.1

$  R

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) -- "Feather Spray"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

Para ver los paquetes disponibles en R (la lista aqui no esta actualizada..)

           BH           DBI    KernSmooth          MASS        Matrix 
         "BH"         "DBI"  "KernSmooth"        "MASS"      "Matrix" 
           R6          Rcpp         abind       acepack         akima 
         "R6"        "Rcpp"       "abind"     "acepack"       "akima" 
          ape    assertthat     backports          base     base64enc 
        "ape"  "assertthat"   "backports"        "base"   "base64enc" 
       bibtex         bindr      bindrcpp           bit         bit64 
     "bibtex"       "bindr"    "bindrcpp"         "bit"       "bit64" 
       bitops          blob          boot       caTools       carData 
     "bitops"        "blob"        "boot"     "caTools"     "carData" 
   cellranger     checkmate         chron         class           cli 
 "cellranger"   "checkmate"       "chron"       "class"         "cli" 
      cluster     codetools    colorspace      combinat      compiler 
    "cluster"   "codetools"  "colorspace"    "combinat"    "compiler" 
       crayon          curl    data.table      datasets     dichromat 
     "crayon"        "curl"  "data.table"    "datasets"   "dichromat" 
       digest          doMC    doParallel         dplyr         fansi 
     "digest"        "doMC"  "doParallel"       "dplyr"       "fansi" 
      foreach       foreign          glue     grDevices      graphics 
    "foreach"     "foreign"        "glue"   "grDevices"    "graphics" 
         grid     iterators       lattice      magrittr       methods 
       "grid"   "iterators"     "lattice"    "magrittr"     "methods" 
         mgcv          nlme          nnet      parallel        pillar 
       "mgcv"        "nlme"        "nnet"    "parallel"      "pillar" 
    pkgconfig         plogr   prettyunits         purrr       rematch 
  "pkgconfig"       "plogr" "prettyunits"       "purrr"     "rematch" 
        rlang         rpart            sp       spatial       splines 
      "rlang"       "rpart"          "sp"     "spatial"     "splines" 
        stats        stats4       stringi       stringr      survival 
      "stats"      "stats4"     "stringi"     "stringr"    "survival" 
        tcltk        tibble    tidyselect         tools          utf8 
      "tcltk"      "tibble"  "tidyselect"       "tools"        "utf8" 